Cage Fitness and Yoga Lounge
of Chattanooga
about US
Located at 6215 Lee Hwy Suite 107 Cage Fitness and Yoga Lounge is centrally located in Chattanooga, TN. Cage Fitness and Yoga Lounge is unique because it combines a gym and yoga studio under on roof. Creating an atmosphere for the youngest to the oldest, allowing familys to experience the benefits of a fitness and yoga journey together.
Yoga Features
Peace of Mind
Yoga helps with easing of the mind. Asana it the path toward inner stillness. Helping you reconnect with your body and start to quiet verbal chatter.
A mental state achieved by focusing one's awareness on the present moment.
Meditation refers to the state of the mind when you are yoga(union).
Yoga Carpet
Your mat is a place to fill up, stay calm, and feel rooted, even in the face of change and growth. By linking breath to movement, the mind becomes meditative and quiet.